Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A "with God" life

Day 29:  Numbers 20–23; Psalms 127–132; John 13–15

I read Numbers 20-25 today.  Miriam and Aaron, Moses' sister and brother die in chapter 20.  They are the first recorded of those dying in the wilderness as God had said because of Israel's lack of trust in Him at the report of the spies about the Land.  In the same chapter, the Israelites complain about no water.  They cry out for lack of water.  God provides by bringing water from a rock, but Moses looses his temper and does not follow God's explicit directions. God told Moses to speak to the rock, but Moses hit it twice in anger after saying, "You rebels! Must we bring water out of this rock for you?"  As a result Moses was told he too would not cross over into the Promised Land.

God leads the Israelites in victory against the Canaanites in the south, the Amorites, and Ammonites east of the Jordan and possess their towns. The rest of this section deals with a Moabite King, Balak, who hires a seer named Balaam to curse the multitude of Israel.  Balaam cannot curse what God has blessed.  Three times Balak urges curses to be cast upon Israel and three times Balaam blesses them, a fourth time he blesses Israel, foresees their "star" (a messianic prophecy), and warns Edom, Amalek, the Kennites and the sea peoples of their future when they curse Israel.  Their curses will fall on them for the Lord is with Israel.

On the one hand the Holy God with Israel means blessing, security and victory for Israel.  On the other hand the Holy God with a disobedient Israel means penalty and correction even to the point of death for Israelites.  Even Moses whom God loves and claims him the most humble of all His servants (Num. 12:3) is punished for his temper at Meribah.

Blessing comes through obedience and more importantly through God's promise to bless His covenant people.  But God's blessing is for God's purpose, tp perfect a people who will reflect his holiness to the rest of the world, such that the nations will revere Him.  The nations that love Him will also follow His right ways and bring justice to their lands.  This is the grand design, right living among one another by the righteousness of God.  This is the pathway to the Lord's blessing.  There are not shortcuts.

However, humans are a weak and sinful lot.  They will fail to keep God's right ways.  The Israelites' complaining, fear and failure is an example of what all humanity is capable of doing.  We need mercy, a way to start over and begin again on the paths of righteousness.  God keeps His mercy extended to the penitent. But the rebellious go down to the pit.

The penitent pray,

LORD, if You considered sins,
    Lord, who could stand?  
But with You there is forgiveness,
    so that You may be revered.
I wait for the LORD; I wait,
    and put my hope in His word.  (Psa. 130:3-5)

Jesus serves as an example to His disciples on the night before His sacrifice.  He stooped down and washed their feet and told them to serve one another in the same way.  They are to love one another sacrificially as Jesus has loved them, giving up His high place and made himself a servant (Phil 2:6-8).

Jesus told them that if they love Him, they will keep His commands.  Love for Jesus is expressed through obedience to Jesus.  He commands us to love each other by laying down our lives for one another as He did for us.

How can we?  When humanity has proven to be weak and sinful, how can we love one another with such purity?  With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Mat. ).

Life in Christ is a "with God" life!  Jesus promised that He would not abandon His disciples. Even though He was soon to die on the cross, He would send them from the Father another counselor like Him.  The Holy Spirit is Jesus living in us. The Holy Spirit is the Father God, the Holy One of Israel, living in us. 

Jesus said,

"If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him."  (Jn. 14:23)

O Lord, come and make Your home in me and help me to obey. Keep me from the human weakness of fear and faithlessness.  Your strength will be my strength and Your breath my breath.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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