Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Wise and Faithful Servant

Day 8: Genesis 36–40; Psalms 1–6; Matthew 22–24

I finished Job and began the Psalms today and continued readings in Genesis and Matthew.

Psalm 1 tells that there are two ways to go through life; the way of the wicked and the way of the righteous.  The wicked do not last, but the righteous are like trees planted by streams of water, continually refreshed by the goodness of God.

Joseph was Jacob's favorite son, the first born of his favorite wife, Rachel.  Joseph was a dreamer and an interpreter of dreams.  His brothers were jealous of him and hated him.  They attacked Joseph and sold him into slavery.  But the Lord was with Joseph.  It says so 4 times in the 39 chapter of Genesis. (Gen. 39:2, 3, 21, 23)

God's faithfulness to Joseph was reflected in Joseph's abilities at managing affairs in the household of his master and later in the prison where he was kept for a number of years on false charges.  Joseph was faithful to God and served his masters diligently. 

I am reminded that even though the Lord is with Joseph, it doesn't mean Joseph will not suffer.  Joseph is mistreated, taken advantage of and imprisoned unjustly.  This all happened to poor Joseph...AND the scripture makes the point again and again that the Lord was with Joseph.

Too often I do not think of God begin with me when things are difficult for me.  I feel abandoned and frustrated.  Joseph's experience encourages me to know that the Lord is with me even if I do not feel like He is near and blessing me with grace.  Might my suffering be lighter and my countenance brighter if I remember this truth that the Lord is with me?

Paul taught the church to "rejoice in the Lord always. The Lord is near (Phil. 4:4)."  Think how different life would be if we each rejoiced in the knowledge that the Lord is with us... as near as a breath and a prayer.  When I fall to frustration and focus on my problems and my difficulties, perhaps I am walking in the paths of the wicked, because I am not drinking up the refreshment of the stream of living water running near the roots of my soul.  Perhaps I suffer needlessly in spiritual thirst because I am not choosing to rejoice in the Lord because He is near.

Jesus taught his disciples about the end of this world.  He said that none will know the day or hour when the Master will return.  Not even Jesus knew the exact date or time of His return. 

So who then is the wise and faithful servant? (Mat. 24:45)   He is the one who, entrusted with his master's household, does what he is supposed to do.  He cares for everyone in the master's house, giving them food at the proper time.  Such a servant will be greatly rewarded and entrusted with everything. Just like Joseph was entrusted with all of his master's affairs because he was faithful and effective in managing them, we too will be entrusted with all of God treasures.

Dear God, help me to be faithful in the small things you entrust to me, like my emotions, my family, your church.  Let me be faithful in these so that I can serve you in even greater things.  By your grace in the name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen.

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